Monday, April 19, 2010

day 1...

this morning i did not feel like working out (or getting out of the bed for that matter). thanks to a good friend and his violent fist shaking, i did both.

had cheerios, a banana and some v8 fusion juice for breakfast.

didn't feel like going to the gym so did wii fit. 35 minutes. ran the equivalent of 3 miles and did some yoga.

had a kashi apple cereal bar for post-exercise snack.

for lunch.... veggie burger on a whole grain bun with a slice of colby jack cheese and some ketchup. veggie baked beans. 32 ounces of water.

current weight:256.8
weight loss goal: 10 pounds in a month (5 pounds in 2 weeks)

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I am so happy for you! I begin my own transformation on the 26th.
