a single step

Sunday, May 2, 2010

so this weekend was nicole's birthday, i definitely splurged. had pizza and quite a bit of alcohol. i did not let it get me off track though. it was just a day of splurging, which is okay every once in a while. i am back on track and will continmue to be.

i've been doing well with the hour of cardio per day, so i think i am going to start adding to it. i have a dvd which features 5 different 20 minute morning yoga routines. so in addition to the hour of cardio i'm gonna get in the 20 minutes of yoga per day as nice warm up and to help start working on toning.

and motivation is becoming les and less of a problem. i woke up this morning and wanted to go work out. in fact, i kinda wanted to go work out again after dinner. it makes me feel good. it's been a long time since i've felt this energized.

they say it takes 21 days to form a habit. this week will be the third week of the beginning of my transformation. i think a new habit has been formed. a new me is being created.

Friday, April 30, 2010

2 weeks...

ok, it is the end of 2 weeeks. i think i've been doin pretty good. so far this week did an hour of cardio each day for 4 days. i've been taking the weekends off, but i think i'm just gonna try to keep it up every day, make a habit out of it. my motivation has gotten much higher. i even managed to get an hour in yesterday after having worked till 4 a.m. the night before. and it's paid off. i met my goal! in two weeks i went from 256.8 to 251.6, which is a total loss of 5.2 pounds. yay! if i keep it up i will definitely make my one month goal of 10 pounds. i may even surpass it. yay me.

Monday, April 26, 2010

i haven't posted in a few days. my bad. but, i assure you that i am doing well. weighed myself friday, 254.2, which is officially a 2.6 pound loss for the week. if i can do the same thing this week i will be half way to my goal.

yesterday was my sister's graduation dinner at buddy's, so i ate like 3 pieces of pizza and some breadsticks. also, i stayed out a bit too late last night and drank a bit too much, which resulted in me sleeping in waaaay too late (11:30 to be exact), so i didn't work out today. but it is on for tomorrow and the rest of the week. i WILL meet my goal.

good night readers. here's hoping that i obey my 7a.m. alarm clock.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

today i goofed up. slept in too late. did not work out. i suck. but tomorrow i will absolutely do extra. food was not that bad today...

breakfast: bowl of oatmeal, apple and PB

lunch: 6 bbq chick'n wings

dinner: baked potato, mixed veggies, black bean soup

snacks: string cheese, carrots, PB n J, chocolate eclair bar

ok... going to sleep so that i can work out extra tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

day 3...

alright, did ok today. got up this morning and actually felt very motivated to go do my walk, despite the fact that nobody would go with me :(


breakfast- 2 whole grain waffles (w/ a bit of i can't believe it's not butter spread and some light syrup), dark chocolate carnation instant breakfast (with vanilla soymilk)

lunch- went to panera. had a half caesar salad and an apple.

dinner- this is where it kinda went down hill. had like 12 tortilla chips with salsa. corn on the cob. like 10 fries.

snack- half of a soy ice cream sandwich

drinks- about 3 liters of water, a grande iced soy chai and 2 cosmos

guess it's not really that bad. certainly better than i had been eating. i think my stomach might be shrinking because i sincerely felt full after that lunch of half a salad and an apple. or maybe i'm just fillin up on water... who knows....

anyways, for my workout today i took another 5 mile walk through hines park. my calves are feelin it. sore ass calf muscles between that walk and the miles on the elliptical.

tomorrow is gym day. i need to do some extra since i kinda sucked at dinner today. lemme get some rest so i can wake up nice and energized. good night. thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

day 2...

ok, i will start off with what i ate today:

breakfast- 3 scrambled egg whites, veggie sausage patty, whole wheat bagel, orange juice

snack- strawberry soy yogurt

lunch- 2 pb&j's on whole grain. string cheese. 1 cup of fresh veggies (cucmbers and carrots).

snack- 2 cups of fresh fruit, medium soy chai

dinner- cottage cheese, grilled cheese on wheat and about 10 french fries.

snack- like 12 mini kettle corn rice cakes

drank about 5 liters of water. if nothing else, i will loose the 10 pounds in water weight at the rate with which i've been peeing.

i went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the elliptical- about 2.5 miles. i also walked for about an hour around the apartment complex with bella. i could hav done more at the gym, but decided it would be better to stop while i was ahead and not wear myself out.

also, i went to the movies tonight and was scared. that buttery popcorn and ice cold solda does me in. but i came prepared. i snuck in contraband in the way of a bottle of water and some rice cakes. i did well. i'm pretty happy with myself today.

Monday, April 19, 2010

day 1...

this morning i did not feel like working out (or getting out of the bed for that matter). thanks to a good friend and his violent fist shaking, i did both.

had cheerios, a banana and some v8 fusion juice for breakfast.

didn't feel like going to the gym so did wii fit. 35 minutes. ran the equivalent of 3 miles and did some yoga.

had a kashi apple cereal bar for post-exercise snack.

for lunch.... veggie burger on a whole grain bun with a slice of colby jack cheese and some ketchup. veggie baked beans. 32 ounces of water.

current weight:256.8
weight loss goal: 10 pounds in a month (5 pounds in 2 weeks)