Sunday, May 2, 2010

so this weekend was nicole's birthday, i definitely splurged. had pizza and quite a bit of alcohol. i did not let it get me off track though. it was just a day of splurging, which is okay every once in a while. i am back on track and will continmue to be.

i've been doing well with the hour of cardio per day, so i think i am going to start adding to it. i have a dvd which features 5 different 20 minute morning yoga routines. so in addition to the hour of cardio i'm gonna get in the 20 minutes of yoga per day as nice warm up and to help start working on toning.

and motivation is becoming les and less of a problem. i woke up this morning and wanted to go work out. in fact, i kinda wanted to go work out again after dinner. it makes me feel good. it's been a long time since i've felt this energized.

they say it takes 21 days to form a habit. this week will be the third week of the beginning of my transformation. i think a new habit has been formed. a new me is being created.